Introducing a safe space for support, connection and transformation; an inclusive online membership community for those s grappling with the emotional whirlwind of a loved one’s addiction and/or mental health challenge.

If fear, frustration and grief feel like constant companions in your journey, you are not alone.

We understand the pain, isolation, shame, and stigma that so many families are

experiencing, and we’ve created a community that stands as a pillar of

strength, empathy, compassion, and renewal.

Step into a space where healing begins, an environment for self-care

and self-discovery...

Nurturing Through Mindfulness

Enjoy gentle yoga sessions (for all levels) that infuse grace into your movements. Learn mindfulness practices that anchor you into the present moment, and soul soothing meditations that guide you towards serenity.

From Grief to Grace

Embrace the journey towards peace and calm with others who share your struggles. You can tell your story without fear of judgment, and find solace in the collective wisdom of those who truly understand.

Holistic Healing

Immerse yourself in our robust, and ever expanding, events schedule designed to nurture mind, body, and spirit. Enjoy expert led workshops, classes, support groups, book discussions and more, brought to you by a wide variety of teachers and healers with diverse backgrounds in fields like, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, health, wellness, energy healing, nutrition, sound healing and more!

Education and Empowerment

Knowledge is a powerful tool. Our community offers addiction education that unravels the mysteries surrounding the challenges your loved one faces. Equip yourself with insights that empower you to support them while safeguarding your own well-being.

Building Bridges

Find your tribe. Create connections. Engage in conversations that explore various topics with others who share your experiences.

Meditating With Candles and Incense

Become a Founding Member for Just $47/month

after your free 7-Day Trial

The Serenity Circle

If you're looking for the knowledge, skills, and resources you need;

If you crave genuine compassionate support;

If you’re committed to the recovery movement that’s dedicated to shattering the

shame and stigma around mental health and addiction.... YOU FOUND YOUR TRIBE!

Balancing mind and body

The Serenity Circle Is For You If:

  • you're committed to transformation, dedicated to personal growth and truly committed to improving your life, health, and relationships.

  • you're seeking real solutions, are determined to move beyond challenges, and ready to take meaningful action towards becoming a stronger version of yourself.

  • you're tired of feeling alone in your struggles and are eager to connect with others who understand what you’re going through.

  • you're open to exploring new perspectives and willing to embrace fresh insights, while fostering compassion for yourself and others.

The Serenity Circle Is NOT For You If:

  • you're content with the status quo, not interested in personal growth, and willing to remain stuck in the same old patterns.

  • you're seeking only to vent your frustrations without being actively invested in improving your wellbeing.


  • you're resistant to change and unwilling to explore new strategies.

  • you're not open to fully engaging, contributing, and supporting others.

You might not be ready to make a change just yet and that’s okay. We honor wherever you are on your journey and will be here to greet you with open arms whenever you’re ready.

Relaxing Bedroom

If you’d like to be part of a community that celebrates your growth...

Become a Founding Member for Just $47/month

after your free 7-Day Trial

The Serenity Circle

What’s included in your membership?

The Serenity Circle offers an events calendar that is loaded with classes and workshops designed to nurture your mind, body, and spirit led by a wide variety of seasoned teachers, healers, and leaders.

Here's what you get for $47/month:

Mindfulness: Enhance your physical and emotional well-being with gentle yoga sessions and guided meditations, Yin yoga, chair yoga, Yoga of 12 Step Recovery, and more.

Support Groups: Access to a variety of support groups and discussion groups providing a safe space to connect and heal. Our grief support groups offer guided healing and empowerment, providing solace and tools to navigate complex emotions.

Sound Healing: Immerse yourself in the soothing vibrations of sound baths and experience the profound release of stress and the reclaiming of inner peace and power.

Energy Healing: Join transformative energy healing sessions designed to facilitate emotional and energetic balance, and help you release what no longer serves you.

Golden Singing Bowl with Flower, Mallet and Beads on White Wooden Table. Sound Healing

Writing Workshops: Participate in expressive writing and journaling workshops and discover the therapeutic power of words and storytelling as you process emotions and find meaning in your journey.

Addiction Education: Gain valuable insights into addiction and mental health through informative sessions, understand the impact on families, and learn strategies to foster recovery and resilience.

Book Discussions: Engage in thought-provoking book discussions and explore diverse perspectives that will and open your heart and mind.

Holistic Wellness Workshops: Explore practical tools for self-care by learning about essential oils, gut health, chronic pain relief and more.

Community and Connection: Our diverse community provides unwavering support, opportunity to grow together through open discussions, and shared wisdom. Forge meaningful connections and life-long friendships with those who truly understand what you’re going through.

Join the Serenity Circle today and experience a transformative journey toward healing and inner peace.

And as a special bonus for joining, you'll receive FREE unlimited access to the 2023 Family Recovery Summit

Featuring: inspiring stories of personal transformation, practical guidance on building strong foundations within families affected by addiction, the complexities of grief and loss, the healing power of community, the importance of compassion, and paving the road to a brighter future through advocacy.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to prioritize your well-being.

Your path to serenity awaits!

If you’d like to be part of a community that celebrates your growth

Become a Founding Member for Just $47/month

after your free 7-Day Trial

Meet The Serenity Circle Team of Compassionate Healers

and Community Builders

We’re just getting started! Be sure to check back to see more and more amazing

souls joining our mission...

Tammy Vincent

Author, Speaker, ACOA, Transformational Life Coach

Maura McMahon

Mom Mentor, Spiritual & Emotional Counselor,

Healer, Guide

Sharon Buck

Intuitive Sound Alchemist, Breakthrough Catalyst

Colleen Bertolino

Certified Family Recovery

Life Coach

Morgane Rose

Personal Development & Mindset Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner, Certified EFT/TFT Practitioner

Joanne Laguana

Wellness Coach

Nervous System + Energy Balancing

Alecia Hurley

Somatic Coach, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Recovery Support Specialist

Debra James

Holistic Dementia Care


Deb Phelps

Holistic Wellness Guide, Meditation Mentor, Spiritual Coach, Sound Healer

Kim Rendon

Certified Gut Health Practitioner, Coach, Author

Glendy Yeung

Energy Healer & Spiritual Mentor for Sensitive Souls

Kim Kendall

De Silva

Relationship Mentor

for Women

Heather Jones

Certified Life and Somatic Coach

Denise Damijo

Shamanic Health and Wellness Educator, Coach

Cindy Olney

Grief and Life Coach

Fiona Kent

Teacher, Educational Leader, Instructional Designer

Dawn Heywood

Certified Chair Yoga Instructor

Megan Nolan

Yoga and Breath Work Instructor, Mental Fitness Coach, Personal Trainer

JoAnn Boyce

Grief and Life Coach, Grief Recovery and Stress Management

Kerri Pagliarini

Certified Holistic Health Coach

Denise Byarugaba

Poet and Healing Arts Practitioner

Mackenzie Snyderman

Writer & Spark for Rewritten Recovery™

Molly Hurd

Certified Health Coach

Cindy Vallone

doTERRA Essential Oil Wellness Advocate & Mentor

Kaitlin Bullock

Trauma Informed Yoga


Susy Cid

Community Growth Expert

Bhavika Trivedi

Community Growth Expert

Karen Bernetti

Founder of The Serenity Circle

Hi! I’m Karen. Affected by the family disease of addiction for my entire life, I began my own healing journey 13 years ago in the rooms of Al-Anon. And then I discovered yoga, which opened me up to a whole new world. This experience not only transformed my life, it sparked a mission.

Today, as the founder of Mindful Family Recovery and The Serenity Circle, I’m a Mental Health First Aid certified yoga instructor, meditation guide, and Yoga of 12-Step Recovery leader. My relentless pursuit of understanding addiction led me to become a Recovery Support Specialist and achieve Level 1 certification in The Invitation to Change approach, created by the authors of the book, Beyond Addiction.

What fuels me every day is the drive to help others who are affected by a loved one’s addiction find hope and healing too. Through mindfulness, education, and heartfelt connections, I've created a space for collective recovery. And having discovered firsthand the power of collaboration, I’m excited to be sharing this space with a wide variety of brilliant heart-centered healers, coaches, teachers, and leaders to make The Serenity Circle private membership experience even more transformative.

I'm passionate about helping families get healthy and strong in mind, body, and spirit because I truly believe, only by healing ourselves can we contribute meaningfully to resolving the addiction and mental health crisis affecting our world today.

Together we can turn pain into purpose, isolation into connection, and fear into courage. I can’t wait to welcome you into the community!

Become a Founding Member for Just $47/month

after your free 3-Day Trial

  • Engage in meaningful discussions that foster understanding and growth.
  • Empower yourself, break free from limitations, and embrace positive change.
  • Shape the community's evolution based on your needs and aspirations.

Ready to commit to your own recovery, to embrace the potential of healing,

and to rediscover the joy of living - even in the midst of all your challenges?

What Our Client's Have to Say ....

"Self-care and strength to survive come exploding through. Like Yoda, Tammy delivers words of wisdom and courage"

~Jill W. Forever Grateful Student

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"I've enjoyed online yoga class with Karen. She is meditative and gets us in tune with our bodies and spirit. Her class is wonderful for centering us for the day. The stretches help us expand our versatility, and the energy she creates stays with us and gives us a positive mental attitude. What a way to begin the day. I highly recommend Karen's yoga class as a gift to yourself.”

~I.K - Westchester, NY

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Cindy Vallone goes above and beyond. She’s an expert in her field and always has time to answer questions and share information about my health concerns. She’s generous with her time and always teaches me something new. I highly recommend scheduling your 30-minute Wellness Consult – you’ll learn so much in such a short time!”

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"Morgane gifted me a coaching session to uncover blocks and heal wounded parts of myself. From the moment we started, she was invested in me. She patiently listened and only interjected when she felt it necessary. This made me feel seen and heard. She was kind and allowed for the conversation to direct or redirect itself naturally. Morgane offered intuitive advice and possessed the rare ability to speak to me in a way I could deeply understand; she always seemed to know exactly what to say. Morgane is a true healer. But it was also like spending time with an old friend who just simply…cared. The childhood trauma portion was so dynamic. I ended up finding the root of my distress with her gentle prompting and found relief in shifting some aspects of that pain. Morgane has a wealth of knowledge, plus a warm personality, and a giving heart. I recommend her without hesitation."

~Alicia (Singer/Actress - Australia)

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"What a truly transformative experience! This was my first sound healing experience, and wasn't sure what to expect. I'm beyond grateful for the timing of the sound healing session because I was going through a couple rough transitions. I went from feeling 'out of body', disconnected, and unable to identify the dissonance to feeling fully realigned. It was like the puzzle pieces of myself were scattered, and the relaxing sound bath put the puzzle pieces back together, whole-ly. Sharon was also able to intuitively pull some language to how I was feeling. In the following week, things were falling into place with messages and connections that has helped to further center me and move forward in a grounded way. Highly recommend!

~Joanne Homestead, Colorado

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“I’ve known Maura to be empathic from a very young age. Her wisdom and guidance have helped me tremendously on my spiritual journey.”


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I loved this program. I knew I liked sugar a lot, so I joined. Honestly, I figured I’d lose a little weight and get some healthy recipes. What I got was so much more. The program was easy to follow. It has suggested meal plan and a list of foods fir me to make my own meals. I thought the first 10 days would be extremely difficult, maybe even impossible for me, but Coach Kerri provided so many tips, tricks, and delicious detox juice recipes.

What really helped me stick with the program was the educational aspect of the program. Why I was craving sugar and what foods were contributing to that. Some reasons were obvious like stress for example, but some were not so obvious to me, like coffee on an empty stomach and sleep. I formed new daily habits that were just food related, directly anyways, like journaling, daily affirmations, new vitamins, and self-care regimens that were just working out. These have helped me to stop obsessing about food, sugar, and even my weight.

The group meetings were extremely helpful. Not only did I get great ideas from coach Kerri and the other group members, but it helped me continue doing these new habits I was creating by being accountable and showing up.

Going in I thought if this is a never having sugar again program, I will fail. But the program was designed for me to succeed. On day one coach Kerri said the magical words “Progress over perfect!” If I want the treat, have the treat. The best part is… I don’t crave sugar like I use to because I learned the right foods at the right time keep my blood sugar level from spiking and dropping. I feel more energetic, my skin looks better, and my clothes feel better and it’s all a direct result of this program.

~ Amy C.

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“I had been experiencing such bad anxiety, but ever since doing Alicia’s meditation I have been at such peace. I was having heart issues, and got some terrifying news from a technician. I met with Alicia for a support call, during which she taught me the meditation for self-healing and taught me some techniques that I immediately began implementing and practiced daily. When I went for a follow-up with the cardiologist a few days later, I received all EXCELLENT results. I was so shocked! My heart was normal and healthy.

I have no idea what changed from what the tech saw on Wednesday till seeing the cardiologist a few days later. But Alicia, SHE and her techniques made such a difference, along with leaning on my faith. I feel like I’ve been given a 2nd chance in life and I’m so excited and determined to conquer this paralyzing anxiety.

Alicia just does amazing work! She’s so calming, soothing, inviting and warm and her techniques are amazing. I can’t recommend her enough! I definitely, highly recommend Alicia for any type of anxiety, trauma, stress, overwhelm, and healing. Ever since our support phone calls and learning the meditation and practicing the techniques that she shared with me, I’ve just been at peace! Thank you so much Alicia!”


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I came across Kim’s Gut Health Program just at the right time as I was struggling with stress and bloating. From the moment I joined the program, I knew I had made the right decision. It was such a pleasure having Kim Rendon as my coach! She provided exceptional support and guidance where I felt comfortable with her to share my problems.

The 8-week Gut RejuveLife journey was filled with invaluable knowledge and practical tools that I incorporated into my daily routine. Each week's module was thoughtfully designed, covering various aspects of gut health, including nutrition, lifestyle, stress management, and mindful eating. The program didn't just focus on symptom relief but aimed to understand and address the root causes of my gut issues. I learned how to make healthier food choices and how certain foods can either trigger or alleviate my digestive symptoms.

The recipes and meal plans provided were not only delicious but also easy to follow, making the transition to a gut-friendly diet seamless. I always looked forward to the sessions with Kim as she was very flexible and understanding of my needs.

As the weeks passed, I began to notice remarkable improvements in my gut health. Bloating improved significantly & my energy levels soared. It felt like a fog had lifted, and I was experiencing life with newfound clarity and vitality. The Gut RejuveLife Program not only provided tangible results but also empowered me with knowledge and tools to sustain my improved gut health in the long term. I now feel equipped to make informed decisions about my diet and lifestyle, ensuring that my gut remains healthy and happy.

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I can confidently say that Kim Kendall-De Silva has become more than just a mentor to me. She has become a lifelong friend. No testimonial or shout-out can truly capture the immense support she has provided me. If you find yourself feeling lost, yearning for clarity, or seeking someone to hold space for you and guide you through the complexities of your marriage and relationships, I implore you to do yourself the greatest favor and reach out to Kim. I cannot praise her enough. Kim, I am eternally grateful to you. Words cannot express the depth of my gratitude. I thank the Lord, fate, and the universe for bringing us together. You hold a truly special place in my heart, and I love you deeply. ~Nishtha T

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"Working with Megan let me know I COULD do Yoga with ease with the right teacher. She helps you land in the poses like nothing I've experienced which gave me the confidence to keep showing up. And because of that she's helped me be the strongest version of me possible, helped me lose 60 pounds, and live from a place of confidence and trust in ME!"

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Fiona realized I am a visual learner, and supported this in her explanations. If I could have one moment all over again, it would be the collaboration of developing a professional development workshop. She's innovative, self-directed, and knowledgeable. She's amazing and I adore her!


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Denise is a gifted shaman who is able to activate new realities and open doors through her work. I've personally been part of many of her guided meditations and have left every single one with a deeper knowing, connection to spirit and an incredible sense of peace and elevation each and every time. So grateful for Denise’s guidance and ability to see how spirit is always working in my favor and for my highest good! Highly recommend working with Denise. She is the real deal!

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Heather creates a coaching environment where I feel supported and safe to just be myself as I explore areas where I feel stuck. She brings a strong intuition and a genuinely inquisitive nature which always results in experiencing shifts. I am feeling much more confident about launching my own business as a result of the work we have been doing together. I highly recommend Heather!


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I highly recommend JoAnn Boyce and her grief program. She explained how my grief was affecting me physically, emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually. She then taught me the tools to handle and deal with all of these symptoms of grief. As I worked through her program, I was able to sleep better, handle the waves of grief as they hit, and begin working on how to rebuild my life without my loved one. JoAnn is so supportive and understanding. She just "gets it" when it comes to how hard it is to function and deal with devastating loss.

~Penny Z.

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As someone very familiar with energy work and the healing journey, I am extremely particular and aware of powerful, authentic, and truly compassionate, experienced healers who I choose to work with. Glendy IS ALL of those. Not only does she know her capacities and has an incredible knowledge of energy, Glendy provides a service from true love, passion, and caring. From Glendy you get a sense that she is sensitive to your results, strives to give you Everything you need, is intuitively connected to what you need, and gives of her time selflessly and generously.

· Just wanted to give a quick shoutout to Dawn Skrobat Heywood! I’ve been in her chair yoga program for a few weeks now. I’m a bit older and my mobility isn’t great after 40 years of sitting at a computer for 10-12 hours per day. So I appreciate that she offers chair yoga and standing yoga options for people like me who are not able to do traditional yoga poses. Every little bit helps and the sessions are short enough to fit into my busy day!

~Adrian G.

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I'm truly amazed by the power of such a session with Deb Phelps and the profound healing that can arise when one's vulnerability is witnessed. Following our session, I experienced a profound sense of release and renewal. As the days went by, I continued to feel great and found myself enveloped in a deep sense of trust.


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“I hadn’t resolved issues that I had intensely when my mom was sick, in her last few months. There was a lot of turmoil in that caregiving process. I tried to just move on. Cindy drew it out of me, had me find the answers. You don’t realize what you have in you until you have somebody like Cindy bring it out and help you figure it out. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time. Coaching gave me a freedom to be my own person. To slowly stop trying to make things better for everyone else and let them work out their own lives. I’m not responsible for everyone. I’m responsible for me."

~Alma L

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"I'm a high-capacity human being but when I crumble I need someone who does not try to fix me and instead assures me that where I am at is exactly where I need to be and helps me restructure again and seeking ways to bring better balance. I love you Kenzie Snyderman I'm so glad our souls chose each other to be connected in this lifetime."

-~Samantha Norman, founder of Become Your Own Healer

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"Kaitlin Bullock is an excellent yoga teacher that brings a level of calm that cannot be taught. It is truly a rejuvenating experience being in one of her classes. "

"Joanne Laguana is an amazing empath who works on all aspects of me. Physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I recommend her to all who need time to focus on their healing. I left feeling clear and focused. I felt like I was able to surrender what wasn't mine and focus on healing me. She's a healer's healer."

- Deanne L.

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"From what I know of Colleen she combines many years of experience with her beautiful caring heart to her practice as a recovery coach. She knows the in’s and out’s of personal and family dynamics that contribute to successful completion of treatment and ongoing sobriety. She’s walked the walk.

~Kay Vogt | Psy.D.

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Cindy Vallone goes above and beyond. She’s an expert in her field and always has time to answer questions and share information about my health concerns. She’s generous with her time and always teaches me something new. I highly recommend scheduling your 30-minute Wellness Consult – you’ll learn so much in such a short time!”

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Deb James You are so calm and knowledgeable. It feels as though you are sitting there with your viewer one on one, holding their hand, and guiding them. Your presence and expertise is exactly what people need!”

~Lauren Young

Got Questions?

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

We’re happy to address any concerns you may have.

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